Upcoming workshop
Weight Mastery
Weight Mastery through Clinical Hypnosis.
Feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.
Feel proud of yourself.
Use your precious energy for areas of your life other than thinking about your weight.
In this workshop, you will:
Learn fascinating facts about how your subconscious mind works
Release shame, blame, anger, frustration and other negative emotions using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Do muscle testing to learn what your body wants and needs
Have a hypnosis session with Early Childhood Regression to discover why and where your body weight issues began
Create of a vision board and learn how to use it so you get results
Have a hypnosis session for transformation

Saturday, May 4, 2019
10am - 4pm
Edmonton Valley Zoo
Otter Room
With the relaunch of my new site and services, I'm excited to offer the Weight Mastery Workshop at a promotional rate - a full day workshop for only $89 (early bird ends April 20th), general admission $119.